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  • sarah81399

Stick to Positivity!

"If you can imagine it, you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it." (William Ward)

"One small thought can change your whole day." (Zig Ziglar)

"The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.” (Charles R. Swindoll)

We can all probably think of a plethora of famous quotes about the importance of a positive, "glass is half full" attitude. And while they may seem cliche, having a positive outlook does play a real part in success, especially for our students. Hard work, consistency and the right support system added to the mix are ideal.

Having a positive outlook doesn't come as naturally for some. It may take daily practice and encouragement from you and their tutor, but it does pay off. We understand that our students are going through so much emotionally and that is not always obvious on the surface either. The stress of success on a field, in the classroom and among peers can be a tremendous amount of pressure for a young, developing mind. Learning challenges can add to their frustration.

When a conversation turns negative and your student is feeling low, consider the 5 to 1 ratio. Five positives for every one negative comment. A positive can be super simple! Example from your student: 1) I forgot to study and did terrible on my Spanish quiz. You: Okay, that will take hard work to pull it up, but I know you can do it. Now tell me the good. (Then try pulling out those positives from your child). Like: 1) I scored a goal at scrimmage practice against the starters, 2) I made a good grade on my English paper, 3) I finished my math assignment early, 4) I like my group for my biology project, 5) gym class was fun today.

Several studies support the effects of a positive attitude too. Positivity releases serotonin and dopamine into the brain, which reduces cortisol (stress hormone). All of this can improve memory, learning ability and clearer thinking.

Positivity is a trait we require of all of our beam tutors -- their attitude plays a direct part in the success of their student's session and the rapport they build over time. Your child's beam tutor is happy to be part of your child's academic support system, creating consistency and encouraging their hard work.

We understand the significance of our role. We also understand every child is different and has different learning styles and struggles. Our qualified team knows how to find the strategies that work best for each of their students. They show up energetic and ready to help them meet daily and long-term academic goals.

If your child needs additional academic support, we would be honored to help! We know they can do this!

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