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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureKerra Johnson- Owner

Benefits of Having a Tutor

There are so many options when it comes to educational support for your children. I want to share with you the 5 main reasons that choosing to work with a private tutor is the best choice!

1- Boost of Confidence: Over the years I have seen that students just need someone in their lives to encourage them and let them know that they are doing an awesome job! Having a one-on- one tutor allows for the students to be in a safe environment where they can work through their struggles and make tremendous growth! Having a support role from a tutor can really give your child the confidence they need in order to succeed.

2- Strengthen Subject Comprehension: This is crucial in the learning path for all students of all ages. The material taught in the classroom must be reinforced and applied outside of the classroom in order for it to all make sense to them. Having a designated time each week to be able to work through new material and preview material yet to come allows for an overall strengthening of the subject material.

3- Builds Important Learning Skills: Many students will struggle with skills we expect them to master naturally, thus creating a great sense of frustration. With a private tutor, along specific course study, they are able to teach students how to be organized, implement study skills, and teach them time management! Without these skills, learning can be extremely complicated and quite overwhelming. Having a private tutor allows for these skills to be practiced in the correct manner, all across their courses of study.

4- Personalized Pacing: This is a very common problem. Students are finding that the pace of the class is moving far too quickly for them and they can’t seem to catch up in time to adequately learn all of the material. Working with a tutor allows the pace to be set according to the needs of the student. They are able to use the time outside of the classroom to work through the material and be able to keep up with the class.

5- Focus on Learning Styles: We all know that people learn in different ways. Perhaps the teacher is only talking to the class and assuming that everyone is an auditory learner. If you have a visual learner trying to take in material just being spoken, they are going to struggle. A tutor knows the learning style of their students and can take the same material and re teach it to them, in the way they best learn! Everyone learns differently!

Beam Tutoring has a group of outstanding tutors that represent all of the 5 benefits that are listed above. Our tutors are ready to work with your family to provide the specific and personalized support they need!

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